June 8, 2020 | BPS Activities
Current developments show that Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households (LNPRT) continue to emerge. LNPRT as part of a Non-Profit Institution (LNP), acts as a government partner in overcoming various social problems such as law enforcement, poverty alleviation and environmental preservation. Therefore, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) needs to carry out directory data collection activities through an official / agency approach to find out the total population of LNPRT. In addition, this activity also supports BPS in the framework of preparing the national balance sheet, especially the LNPRT sector.
Rembang Regency BPS conducted the 2020 LNPRT Directory Updating from 11 May to 12 June 2020, with a total sample of 10 agencies / institutions in Rembang. Updating is done through a correspondence mechanism to the office and checking as well as data confirmation carried out by Nerwilis BPS section staff in Rembang Regency. The 10 institutions / agencies are Dikpora, Environment, Kesbangpolinmas, Kemenag, DPMPTSPNAKER, Koni, BPBD, Health Office, NU and Muhammadiyah.
As with other surveys during the Covid-19 pandemic, officers in the field of data collection continue to comply with health protocols such as washing hands with soap, wearing masks and social / physical distancing / keeping a distance from respondents and other employees. Given the workplace / office as the focus of interaction and gathering of people is a risk factor that needs to be anticipated transmission. Therefore we must be able to minimize the risks and impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic by applying these rules. May we all be in our protection and hope the Covid-19 pandemic will soon pass. (JQ)
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik
Kabupaten RembangJl. Pemuda Km. 1
Rembang - Jawa Tengah
Telp/fax. (0295) 691040
Email : bps3317@bps.go.id