Annual LNPRT Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

In 2024 the number of poor people in Rembang Regency will be 91.45 thousand or 14.02 percent.

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Annual LNPRT Survey

Annual LNPRT Survey

October 2, 2020 | BPS Activities

Non-profit institutions serving households (LNPRT) are non-profit organizations that serve their members or households, and are not controlled by the government. This LNPRT is one of the components in the Expenditure GRDP.

This survey aims to obtain indicators of LNPRT income and expenditure as well as the annual LNPRT consumption pattern used in the preparation of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) and economic growth.

The role of LNPRT final consumption in GRDP according to expenditure in Rembang is still very small compared to other expenditure components, which is only around 1.5%.
The institutions that contribute to PKLNPRT are community organizations (mass organizations), social organizations, professional organizations, social associations, NGOs, religious institutions and humanitarian aid organizations.

During the 2016-2019 period, Household Non-Profit Institution (PKLNPRT) Consumption Expenditures at constant prices in Rembang Regency continued to increase. The highest growth occurred in 2019, amounting to 10.25 percent compared to other components. This happens because it coincides with the holding of a democratic party (simultaneous election of people's representatives, regional heads and village heads) which automatically encourages increased consumption of mass organizations, political parties, NGOs and other institutions.

Will the PKLNPRT growth this year still increase along with the Pilbup / Wabup in Rembang Regency which will be held at the end of this year? Will the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic also affect the growth of LNPRT in Rembang Regency? (Jq)
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