October 15, 2020 | BPS Activities
Thursday (15/10), Head of Production Section of Rembang Regency, Drs. Sumitro together with a supervisor from the Central Java Province BPS, Adi Susanto, SST conducted direct supervision and checks on the existence of the Fish Auction Place (TPI) located in Tasikagung Village, Rembang District and Pangkalan Village, Sluke District.
The annual TPI survey through TPI and Fish Landing Base (PPI) aims to obtain the number of TPI directories, auction / non-auction fish sales systems, the number of ships / boats that land and the amount of fish production / production value sold through TPI. Meanwhile, fishing data collection aims to obtain data on fish production, production expenditures, formation of capital goods and the number of workers.
#SahabatData, the Rembang economy is driven by all business fields / economic sectors. Agricultural business field is one of the sectors that has the largest share (amounting to 25.02%) in Rembang Regency GDP. The agricultural sector, one of which is the fisheries sub-sector. The fishery sector (capture fisheries) is one of the sectors that has an important role in the formation of GRDP. The added value contribution from this sector is quite large, namely 5.85%. With the condition of Rembang Regency which has marine waters, it is very potential to generate added value from this fisheries business sector. (Jq)
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik
Kabupaten RembangJl. Pemuda Km. 1
Rembang - Jawa Tengah
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Email : bps3317@bps.go.id