Palawija Subround I tiles in 2020 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

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Palawija Subround I tiles in 2020

Palawija Subround I tiles in 2020

January 20, 2020 | BPS Activities

Cool, cold air ...
Ngubin Yuuukkk ...
Tiles is a survey that aims to determine the productivity (yield per hectare) of plants. At present, productivity of plants that can be measured through new tiles is limited to the commodities of rice, corn, soybeans, cassava, peanuts and sweet potatoes. In addition to productivity figures, tile also includes other supporting data such as land type, planting method, harvesting method, prevention of plant pests (OPT), type of intensification, types of seed variates, number of seeds, use of fertilizers and pesticides, and other qualitative information related to productivity .
Food crop production is obtained by multiplying the harvested area by productivity. The harvested area is obtained from data collection conducted by the Department of Agriculture (KCD) staff while productivity is obtained from the average yield of tiles carried out jointly by the District Statistics Coordinator (KSK) together with the Office of Agriculture officials. The implementation period is composed of 3 (three) subrounds, namely subround 1 (January-April), subround 2 (May-August) and subround 3 (September-December). And the implementation follows the farmers harvest time.
Officers will take measurements on the plots of tiled for the sample households. Then from each sample household, one plot will be randomly selected. In this selected plot, a plot of 2.5 m x 2.5 m will be chosen. In the plot carried out braided activities. After measuring the selected plots, interviews were conducted with respondents.
Tile is one of the routine surveys carried out every subround. Tiles have their own challenges not found in other surveys. A quite heavy weaving tool consisting of scales, pegs and stainless steel rods of various sizes and locations of tiles that are sometimes difficult to reach because not every plant is cultivated on land that is easily accessible by vehicle, sometimes passing rivers, shrubs and slippery roads especially as the conditions are now entering the rainy season, where the road to the location is sometimes difficult to pass, enough to describe the challenges of the survey. However, because it has become a duty and responsibility, then by not relaxing the spirit, the officer still completes this link in order to produce quality data.
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At present, BPS is busy echoing SP2020 activities at the school and campus level with the "Goes to School and Campus" program. In addition, BPS routine routine activities / surveys must not be ruled out. All must be carried out according to a predetermined schedule.

Like this morning, Monday (20/1) BPS team in Rembang Regency, namely KSK Pancur and KSK Sale jointly conducted 2 plots of secondary crops in Kumbo Village, Sedan District. Tiles in the two villages produced cassava production of 9.85 kg and 6.67 kg. According to landowners, Mungin and Sakroni, the current obstacle is that production results are less than the maximum production because in this region there is only rain attached to the existence of a long drought, so there is insufficient water. Besides that there are also rat pests that eat cassava so that it causes rot and also because landowners do not fertilize at all so that the resulting production is less satisfying to farmers.

Another obstacle encountered during the braid activity is the Census Block (BS) which was chosen as a sample of the braid sometimes misses due to weather change factors. This means that certain subrounds in BS do not cultivate rice or secondary crops. Sometimes at the time of listing farmers are still working on these plants, but due to high rainfall or due to drought, farmers can not harvest their crops in accordance with the estimated harvest month.

It is hoped that the future implementation of the fabric will get more accurate results and the staff will get more precise information in order to achieve optimal results. (Qnerwil)

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