Declaration of Integrity Zone Development Towards BPS WBK of Rembang Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

In 2024 the number of poor people in Rembang Regency will be 91.45 thousand or 14.02 percent.

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Declaration of Integrity Zone Development Towards BPS WBK of Rembang Regency

Declaration of Integrity Zone Development Towards BPS WBK of Rembang Regency

June 11, 2020 | Other Activities

The Integrity Zone, hereinafter abbreviated as ZI, is a predicate given by the Satker whose leaders and staff have a commitment to realize WBK and WBBM through bureaucratic reform, particularly in preventing corruption and improving the quality of public services; Towards a Region Free of Corruption, hereinafter referred to as WBK, is a predicate given by the Satker that fulfills most of the management of change, structuring management, structuring HR management systems, strengthening performance accountability, and strengthening supervision.

Today, Thursday, June 11, 2020 BPS Rembang Regency carries out the "Declaration of Development of an Integrity Zone Towards a Region Free of Corruption (WBK)" in the BPS Hall of the Rembang Regency by applying the Covid-19 health protocol, led directly by the Head of Rembang Regency BPS, Henri Wagiyanto, S.Pt, M. Ec.Dev, MA. The declaration was attended by witnesses and other invited guests. 5 (five) witnesses who were willing to attend the event were the Rembang Regent (H. Abdul Hafidz, S.Pd.I), the Chairperson of the Rembang DPRD (H. Majid Kamil MZ), the Rembang Police Chief (represented by AKP Sukiyatno, SH, MM ), Head of the Rembang District Attorney's Office (represented by Adi Anom BJ, SH), and Chairperson of RIE YPPI STIE (represented by Dian Ayu Liana Dewi). In addition to the witnesses, the Head of the Rembang Regency Bappeda, the Acting Head of the Rembang District Communication and Information Office, the Secretary of the Rembang District Inspectorate, the Head of Protocol and Communication of the Regional Head of the Rembang Regency, and the Head of the Administrative Subdivision of the ATR / BPN Office and BPS structural officials of the Rembang Regency.

The declaration of the Integrity Zone is a commitment of BPS in Rembang Regency to continually strive to improve management of change, structuring management, structuring HR management systems, strengthening supervision, and strengthening performance accountability as well as improving public services that are prime, transparent and accountable.

Hopefully the declaration of the Integrity Zone will be a reflection of BPS Rembang's commitment to always work with full integrity in accordance with BPS's vision and mission and as an effort to improve a clean, effective and efficient performance culture. (JQ)
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