Data Collection of Household Survey Non-Profit Institution (SKLNPRT) Quarter II - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

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Data Collection of Household Survey Non-Profit Institution (SKLNPRT) Quarter II

Data Collection of Household Survey Non-Profit Institution (SKLNPRT) Quarter II

June 26, 2020 | BPS Activities

BPS re-conducts the quarterly Non-Profit Household Special Survey (SKLNPRT). SKLNP is conducted annually on a quarterly basis. This activity is currently entering the second quarter. The purpose of this survey is to obtain a quarterly LNPRT consumption pattern. In addition, to improve the quality of quarterly LNPRT consumption data, where the consumption pattern is used to compile the GDP component in terms of quarterly usage. LNPRT is a formal or informal institution formed by individuals or community groups in the context of providing goods / services free of charge or at an economically insignificant price (involved in non-market production) to their members / households / community groups. LNPRT is not controlled by the government. This survey is a Panel for each quarter. The LNPRT classification used includes the types of institutions: 1. Social Organization (Ormas) and Political Parties (Political Parties) 2. Social Organizations (Orsos) 3. Professional Organizations (Orprof) 4. Social / Cultural / Sports and Hobbies Association 5. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) 6. Religious Institutions 7. Humanitarian Aid / Scholarship Organization (OBK) In Rembang District, the number of SKLNPRT samples was 10 institutions for each quarter with a total of 5 staff, 4 field enumerators and 1 field supervisor. Each officer worked out 2-3 samples with an implementation schedule of 20-26 June 2020. In collecting data in the field, the officers conducted interviews directly with respondents while still complying with the health protocol. Namely wearing a mask, washing hands with soap / hand sanitizer and keep a safe distance with respondents and other employees. If the sample cannot be fulfilled, it can be replaced with a sample of other types of organizations with priority NGOs, NGOs, CBOs and social / cultural associations, sports and hobbies. And thank God in Rembang Regency, for the sample in the second quarter there was no replacement of samples and they still followed the sample in the first quarter. It is expected that the SKLNPRT data collection for the second quarter will be completed according to a predetermined schedule, running smoothly and achieving optimal results. (JQ)
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