December 23, 2020 | BPS Activities
Month after month, it did not feel like the Area Sampling Framework (KSA) activity was at the end of 2020. Friends of the KSA officers felt a lot of joy and sorrow this year. Grief this year, where this country and even the world, is being hit by a very deadly outbreak, namely the corona virus (Covid-19).
When it coincided with the KSA schedule in March, that was the beginning of the outbreak in Indonesia. The KSA was canceled in March for its field implementation. The March KSA was estimated from the results of the previous February KSA observations. Until now, the deadly plague has not ended. Health protocol (Prokes), that is a tool for field officers to avoid the spread of Covid-19. And even this second, thank God, the officers are used to this "process".
KSA, to be precise in the last week or the last 7 days of each month KSA officers began struggling to return to the rice fields and moor areas and were still friendly with the scorching heat, rain, mud, thickets and even reptiles. Even though the condition is still pandemic, BPS is still carrying out KSA field activities by implementing health protocols for field officers.
The objective of the KSA survey is to calculate the estimated harvested area for rice and secondary crops (maize) commodities. The estimated harvest area with the productivity of these commodities will be the production figures for rice and maize commodities.
The implementation of KSA itself combines a map of the raw area of rice fields obtained from remote sensing technology (satellite imagery) as a sampling frame and the use of Android devices for field observations. Data collection through KSA is done by using the segment area as a sample calculation. Segment observations are carried out on the last seven days of each month.
Still in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and at this time in Rembang Regency, the conditions are already the rainy season, this has not dampened the steps and enthusiasm of KSA officers to collect data in the field. As scheduled, the officers returned to the field to observe and shoot the land in various phases of plant growth (rice and maize) at the location at the coordinate point.
Friday (18/12), Head of Central Java Province BPS, Sentot Bangun Widoyono and Head of BPS Rembang Regency, Henri Wagiyanto supervised KSA activities in Gunungsari Village, Kaliori District. Together with KSA officers, they go directly to the rice fields to monitor the phase of rice growth and observe / witness the process of shooting the observation points directly. The excitement took place when the two Heads of BPS (Rembang and Central Java) were busy monitoring the officers to take pictures of the observation points. They have to "methel-methel" in the fields. In Rembang, it happens that it is the rainy season, so all the rice fields are mostly muddy and muddy. Hmm, fortunately wearing boots, sir ...
Hopefully the KSA approach is expected to be able to answer the provision of accurate and timely food data to support the planning of the National Food Security Program.
For officer friends, take care of health and safety. # Rememberpesanibu, obey the health protocol, okay? Protect yourself, your family and also others. Keep spirit!
Hopefully Covid-19 will pass from this country soon. Aamiin.
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