Assistance for 2022 Research and Research Initial Data Collection in Special Regions - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

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Assistance for 2022 Research and Research Initial Data Collection in Special Regions

Assistance for 2022 Research and Research Initial Data Collection in Special Regions

November 2, 2022 | BPS Activities

Research is not only carried out on residents who live in ordinary families, but is also carried out in special data collection areas such as crew members of Indonesian-flagged ships and the homeless. Special data collection was also carried out in apartments, military barracks, Islamic boarding schools, orphanages and the like, mental hospitals, refugee areas, prisons, detention houses and houseboats.

This special data collection aims to record all Indonesian citizens.

In the second week of carrying out the initial data collection for Regsosek (26/10), BPS Rembang Regency through the Task Force officers for the Rembang District began to collect data on special areas, to be precise at the Rembang Class IIB Detention Center and the Rembang Margo Mukti Elderly Social Service Home.

Officers accompanied by Koseka coordinated with the detention center, namely Mrs. Sri Nurwiyani, Head of the Detention Services Subsection. Data collection at the Class IIB Rembang detention center, officers managed to record the socio-economic conditions of 77 assisted residents who had served a criminal period or had lived for more than one year in the Rembang detention center, using the REGSOSEK22-XK questionnaire. The REGSOSEK22.XK questionnaire itself is an instrument used to record data on special areas such as prisons, Islamic boarding schools, orphanages and apartments.

Assistance for special areas is also carried out at the Margo Mukti Rembang Elderly Social Service Home (RPSLU). Here the task force officers managed to record 75 elderly people with a stay of 1 year or more.

In Rembang District itself, there are around 39 special areas that must be recorded by Task Force officers. As for the Special Areas outside the Rembang District, the Field Data Officer (PPL) collects data directly.

Thank God the special area data collection went smoothly. Thank you to the relevant parties (detention center, RPSLU, Islamic boarding school, orphanage, etc.) in Rembang District who have given permission to collect data in this particular area. Hopefully this collaboration can continue in the future. (PR)
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