Training of Intercensal Agricultural Survey Officers (SUTAS) 2018 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rembang Regency

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Training of Intercensal Agricultural Survey Officers (SUTAS) 2018

Training of Intercensal Agricultural Survey Officers (SUTAS) 2018

April 23, 2018 | BPS Activities

Currently BPS is conducting survey activities which is an effort to realize food security. The surveys included Survey Sampling Area (KSA), SKGB, UI and Inter-Census Agricultural Survey (SUTAS) surveys. The implementation of the four surveys is a national priority scale that is carried out in accordance with the Government Work Plan (RKP) of 2018.
The four surveys are part of agricultural activities that are considered important because of the availability of objective and accurate food production data, as well as the accuracy of the policy direction of food and agriculture issues.
KSA has been done at the beginning of this year, SKGB has also started in subround I (January-April), and the tile has become a regular survey of BPS.
SUTAS itself is done in the middle of the ST2013 period and the Agricultural Census of 2023 (ST2023), precisely in 2018 called SUTAS 2018. SUTAS 2018 is the Intercensal Agricultural Survey first conducted by BPS. Therefore let us make this SUTAS 2018 survey the first time incised the impression of carrying a message from agricultural portraits.
The result of SUTAS 2018 is beneficial to obtain the phenomenon of agricultural business changes in 2013 and 2018, estimating the population of agricultural households by sub-sector, estimating commodity population, projection of livestock population and other stake survey planning prior to the implementation of ST 2023.
SUTAS 2018 held in 34 Provinces in Selindo in May-June, includes farming households in selected census blocks.
In order to get accurate and quality results later, it takes a mature preparation, one of which starts from the training officer. Officer training is one of the strategic preparatory stages in every survey or census. Training with qualified staff inshaaAllah will produce quality output and outcome as well. The training of SUTAS 2018 was held by Central Java Provincial BPS in 12Training Center (TC). One of them in TC. Hotel Metro Semarang with a total of 231 participants and divided into 5 (five) classes. Training was conducted in 2 (two) waves. Wave I (16-19 April 2018) followed by 104 participants from Demak, Batang, Rembang and Blora.Sedangkan second wave (on 20-23 April 2018) as many as 109 participants, still coming from the same Regency in the first wave .
For participants from Rembang regency itself, the number of participants is 62 people divided into 2 waves with the number of participants in each wave of 31 people. Training officially opened by the Head of Nerwilis Field Central Java Province, Samiran, S. Si, MT (wave I), and on the second round opened by Head of Social Statistics, Martin Suanta, SE, M.Si. The training was guided by 5 Instructors (Inda).
Something different on the training this time. In the opening session of this training where the committee has prepared and packed a fun Games Fun for the trainees, where each district / city presents 3 participants to follow the Fun Games. Fun Games titled "One Heart" aims with one heart, one word and one mind can be established teamwork in completing all obstacles and obstacles in completing the duties of BPS. The principle of Fun Games is play and rejoice, but behind it every team is motivated with a prize if it wins. This means that there is also competition between the participating teams. But the main purpose of Fun Games is not competing, but how each team can solve the problem well every challenge given by the committee. In this case the committee provides an assessment, which of the teams are able to communicate effectively with each team member and able to maintain cohesiveness in solving the challenge. At the end of the challenge of fun games, also given a positive reward and prize to the team that has the best judgment and terkompak in his team. Subsequently, Head of Nerwilis in his speech represented the Head of BPS of Central Java Province, Margo Yuwono, S.Si, M.Si conveyed his message that the trainees should be ready to receive the materials taught by the instructors. His message also that the quality of data SUTAS 2018 is 'fixed price'. Therefore officers are expected later in the data collection must be honest and work according to SOP, adhere to the schedule that has been determined and can establish cooperation and communication between officers and supervisors respectively.
Furthermore, the officers after receiving the material from the instructor then applied in roleplaying session by presenting respondents who have farming business. In this roleplaying officers can really practice how to conduct direct interviews with respondents, how officers in digging information / information (probing) with the household, all of which will be faced directly by the officers at the time of data collection in the field.
To measure the ability and understanding of the material that has been taught instructor, held the deepening of the material. And finally this activity was closed by the instructor in each class while giving awards to the participants who got the best value during the training. Congratulations to colleagues from Rembang Regency of 2 (two) waves in the two highest achieving grade classes won by participants from Rembang Regency. Hopefully this becomes the motivation and motivation of the officer's friends in carrying out the data collection in the field later.
Finally, hopefully the material delivered during the training can be a provision and guidance for the participants and hope that the implementation of SUTAS 2018 in Kabupaten Rembang runs smoothly, completes on time, achieves optimal results, and produces quality data output so that the resulting data can be useful for government policy, because the availability of quality food statistic data is crucial and affects the effectiveness of government policies.
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